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The transaction log for database ‘WSS_Content’ is full.

June 3, 2011


We have WSS 3.0 running on Windows Server 2008 R2 internal database. One of our users recently received an error when trying to give another user permissions. The error message was ‘Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E14 which didn’t mean anything.

Checking the ULS logs, the following error message is displayed.

Unexpected query execution failure, error code 9002. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. “The transaction log for database ‘WSS_Content’ is full.


Shrink the database log file:

  1. Run SQL Management Studio and login to your SharePoint instance.
  2. Click on ‘New Query’
  3. Type in the following commands:
  4. USE [database name];
    BACKUP LOG [database name] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY;
    SHRINKFILE ([log file name], 1);
  5. Replace [database name] and [log file name] with your log file.
  6. This will truncate your log file to 1mb.

Do an IISRESET and all should be good.

From → Database

  1. Hello!
    Here is a way to shrink sharepoint database transaction log for MS SQL Server 2008.

  2. Vikas permalink

    I resolved the issue.
    Reason was WSS_Content DB was full. and Log_Backup was also full.
    Open SSMS explore to WSS_Content DB. Right Click–> Properties –> files –>
    See the Inistial files column. In my case it was almost 0. for Both WSS_Content and WSS_Content_Log. I increased the size. And Issue got resolved.

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